Social Events

The social programme is published on the News section of the website. It regularly includes events around our club competition finals, a Christmas Dinner Dance, Pre-Christmas Drinks Party, and from time to time one-off events.

Social tennis takes place throughout the year on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Tennis is usually followed by an adjournment to the bar!


HLTC 100 Club

This fundraiser is drawn out at 4 club events a year. A substantial 1st Prize (around £300) and 2nd Prize (around £100) is open to all participants. The exact amount paid out depends on the income for that quarter. In addition there is an accumulator prize which is only paid out if the member is present at the event in which their number is drawn.

There are a few numbers available so please contact Steph Singleton on 07720 719170 if you wish to join. You would need to arrange a quarterly (£9) or annual (£36) Standing Order payable into the club account. 

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