

Jackie Rosser

We are sad to report the recent death of a former member of HLTC, Jackie Rosser. Jackie was a long standing member at the club. The funeral will be held at at Blacon Cemetery in Chester on Thursday 28th September at Midday followed by reception at Royal Liverpool Golf Club.


Individual coaching

Anyone wishing to progress their game to improve technique, tactical work or for fitness and health then contact any of our team below: Craig Longman – Head Coach, available for all ages and abilities, 0773914764, £25 a lesson. Vicky McNeight – available daytime for all abilities, 07710721912, £25 for 50mins. Steve Mercer – available for players 45+


Summer Group Coaching Programme 2023

The summer group coaching programme commences from Monday 5th June and will run as a 6 week block. Contact Craig to book on any of the following sessions. Mini red open session – Saturdays 9.00 – 10.00. £45 for 5 week course (no session 8th July). Open to children in school years 1 to 3.


Club Tournament

Club Tournaments are here again with finals on Saturday July 8th. We are just having the Open events , Men’s and Ladies Singles plus Men’s, Ladies and Mixed Doubles.  It is open to everyone  but please enter only 2 events. There will be lists in the clubhouse to sign up or just send me a text 07732300893. The


Membership 2023

Renewal notices have now been sent out by email to all members. Many thanks to all who have already paid! Quite a few of the emails haven’t been opened so please check your junk mail if you don’t appear to have received your notification. The preferred method of payment is by credit card; the email


Membership Fees 2023 – 2024

Membership renewals for 2023-2024 have been sent out to all existing members by email. The email will detail the membership package and rate. This year you will be able to pay membership fees through ClubSpark using a credit or debit card. The link to pay will be in the membership renewal email. If you have


Big Quiz Night

Come along to HLTC Big Quiz Night on Friday 3rd March at 7pm at the Clubhouse. £1 per head. Cheese and Biscuits provided. Questions for all levels and interests. Join together and bring a team or turn upon solo.

woman in black jacket holding ukraine flag

Ukraine Xmas Party

Thank you HLTC for your generous donation of £200 to help Ukrainians living in this area to be able to enjoy Christmas together. Between 30 and 40 Ukrainians got together on Christmas Day between 4.0 and 7.0pm at West Kirby URC. With other grants we were able to give each family money to buy gifts


Xmas Drinks – Sunday 18th December

We are holding our annual drinks party this coming Sunday from 2pm. Come along to the club and enjoy the festivities. There is no charge but it would be appreciated if you could bring a plate of food! The quarterly 100 Club draw will be staged at 3pm. See you on Sunday!


Jackie Rosser

We are sad to report the recent death of a former member of HLTC, Jackie Rosser. Jackie was a long standing member at the club. The funeral will be held at at Blacon Cemetery in Chester on Thursday 28th September at Midday followed by reception at Royal Liverpool Golf Club.


Individual coaching

Anyone wishing to progress their game to improve technique, tactical work or for fitness and health then contact any of our team below: Craig Longman – Head Coach, available for all ages and abilities, 0773914764, £25 a lesson. Vicky McNeight – available daytime for all abilities, 07710721912, £25 for 50mins. Steve Mercer – available for players 45+


Summer Group Coaching Programme 2023

The summer group coaching programme commences from Monday 5th June and will run as a 6 week block. Contact Craig to book on any of the following sessions. Mini red open session – Saturdays 9.00 – 10.00. £45 for 5 week course (no session 8th July). Open to children in school years 1 to 3.


Club Tournament

Club Tournaments are here again with finals on Saturday July 8th. We are just having the Open events , Men’s and Ladies Singles plus Men’s, Ladies and Mixed Doubles.  It is open to everyone  but please enter only 2 events. There will be lists in the clubhouse to sign up or just send me a text 07732300893. The


Membership 2023

Renewal notices have now been sent out by email to all members. Many thanks to all who have already paid! Quite a few of the emails haven’t been opened so please check your junk mail if you don’t appear to have received your notification. The preferred method of payment is by credit card; the email


Membership Fees 2023 – 2024

Membership renewals for 2023-2024 have been sent out to all existing members by email. The email will detail the membership package and rate. This year you will be able to pay membership fees through ClubSpark using a credit or debit card. The link to pay will be in the membership renewal email. If you have


Big Quiz Night

Come along to HLTC Big Quiz Night on Friday 3rd March at 7pm at the Clubhouse. £1 per head. Cheese and Biscuits provided. Questions for all levels and interests. Join together and bring a team or turn upon solo.

woman in black jacket holding ukraine flag

Ukraine Xmas Party

Thank you HLTC for your generous donation of £200 to help Ukrainians living in this area to be able to enjoy Christmas together. Between 30 and 40 Ukrainians got together on Christmas Day between 4.0 and 7.0pm at West Kirby URC. With other grants we were able to give each family money to buy gifts


Xmas Drinks – Sunday 18th December

We are holding our annual drinks party this coming Sunday from 2pm. Come along to the club and enjoy the festivities. There is no charge but it would be appreciated if you could bring a plate of food! The quarterly 100 Club draw will be staged at 3pm. See you on Sunday!

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