The club tournament finals day will be held at the club on Saturday with the juniors finals starting from 11.30am and the adults from 1pm. Please come down and show your support for our finalists. The Seafood Shack will be providing seafood, meat and veggie burgers from 1pm and strawberries and cream will be served … Read more

The sun is out (sometimes!) and so are the sun parasols outside the clubhouse. Members are welcome to use them for shade from the sun but please remember to close them when you leave as they will take off with the wind!!

It was a lovely summers evening for Paella night on 22nd June. Thank you to the Seafood Shack for making delicious paella and to Joe and Dave for manning the bar and Dave who did a lot of the clearing up!! The club 100 winners were: Ro Andrews £250 Paula Goodwin £100 Steph Singleton £100

The club tournament finals will take place on 6th July 2024, with the juniors playing singles and doubles matches in the morning and the adult matches in the afternoon from 1 pm. The Order of play will be released nearer the time. Members are encouraged to come to the club to watch and cheer on … Read more

Coach Terry is running adult group coaching on Wednesdays 6 pm – 7 pm for beginners or intermediate players. It is a good opportunity for new members to get some coaching and meet other members. Contact Terry to book your place. The club also have lots of groups that play throughout the week and many … Read more

There are still spaces available for Paella night on 22nd June 2024 from 7 pm. Mixed seafood and meat paella provided by Seafood Shack West Kirby. Please contact Di Taylor on 07519570944 to book your place. £15 per person to be paid directly into the HLTC account or cash to a committee member if any … Read more

HLTC will be hosting Paella night on 22nd June 2024 from 7pm. Paella will be provided by Seafood Shack, West Kirby. To reserve your space please contact Di Taylor on 07519570944 or dianataylor5@icloud.com. The cost is £15pp to be paid into the club’s bank account (SC 60-23-17 AC 79373402) prior to the event.


This bank holiday Monday 6th May the Wirral league take on the Liverpool league in the annual Challenge tournament at Prenton LTC. Open matches will start from 10.30am and the vets matches from 2pm. There will refreshments available to buy as well as some great tennis for spectators to enjoy watching.


30th APRIL DEADLINE Don’t forget to renew your membership before the 30th  April to avoid any late payment fees!!! If you have any queries or problems using the system, please text Helen on 07793046692

Off the back of the success of the open Day we are pleased to announce that the club will be hosting a Paella night on 22nd June 2024 from 7 pm. The Seafood Shack West Kirby will be on the patio cooking the paella. Details on how to book will be released nearer the time.

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