Free floodlight trial

Dear member,

The committee has taken the decision to trial free floodlights on all courts until the end of 2025. Members are able to switch the lights on at the club prior to play, provided they have booked courts via club spark.

Floodlights on courts 1 and 2 can be switched on and off using the switches behind court 2 (see video 1).

Floodlights on courts 3, 4 and 5 can be switched on and off using tokens available in the box next to the gate for court 4 and 5 (see video 2). 1 token provides 45 minutes of light and will automatically switch off.

All lights must be switched off by 9pm.

It is the responsibility of members that have booked courts to ensure the lights are switched off prior to leaving the vicinity.

Floodlight maintenance issues or misuse should be reported to a committee member.

Best wishes,

HLTC Committee

Video 1: floodlight switches for courts 1 and 2
Video 2: floodlight switches for courts 3, 4, 5
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