Craig’s Group Coaching winter programme starts on 8th January 2024. Contact Craig to book on.

Winter Group Coaching Programme 2023
Commences from Monday 8th January
Courses run as a 5 week block (spare week if cancel for any bad weather)
Mini red open session – Saturdays 9:00-10:30
£45 for the course
Open to children in Year 1 to 3
Mini orange/green – Saturdays 10:30-12:00
£45 for the course
Open to children in school years 4-6
Open Secondary – Saturdays 12:00-1:00
£35 for the course
Open to juniors in school years 7 to 11
Open Mini Tennis – Mondays 5:00-6:00
£48 for the course
Open to children in school years f2 to 6
Junior Academy session- Tuesdays
£48 for the course (invitation only, please speak to Craig for details)
Open to juniors in school years 7 to 6th form
Mini Tennis Academy – Thursdays
£48 for the course (invitation only, please speak to Craig for details)
Cardio Tennis – Thursday daytime (12 o’clock)
£5 a session (contact Lydia to book a place 07889979801)
Ladies Morning – Thursday’s 9:00-10:30
£7.50 pay as you play
Intermediate level
All new players are able to have a taster session before committing to a course.
Individual coaching is offered at a time that suits all players from a team of coaches available. YOU CAN JOIN AND PAY THE REMAINDER OF COURSE AT ANY STAGE.
To book, make online payment or have any queries contact Craig on 07739714764 or
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